Osho on relationships (again)

This Osho quote was a new one for me. I can so absolutely identify with this, it is kinda scary 😉

(found on wildtantra.com)

“…Any relationship between man and woman is playing with fire and particularly if you start also being a meditator then you are surrounded by a wild fire because so many changes are going to happen for which you are not prepared and cannot be prepared. You are going to travel in an unknown territory every moment every day, and there will be many times when you will be left behind or your partner will be left behind, and this will be a deep anguish to both. And in the beginning when it will start, the natural inference will be as if our relationship is finished, that we are no more in love. Certainly you are no more in the love you were before, that old love is no more possible, that was animal love. It is good that it is gone. Now a more higher quality, something divine is going to take place, but you have to help each other. These are the real difficult times when one comes to know whether you love your partner or whether your partner loves you. When these great gaps arise between you and you feel going far away from each other, these are the moments crucial of a fire test; that you should try to bring the other person, who is left behind closer to you. You should help the other person to be meditative. The natural idea will be to bring yourself down, so the other is not offended. That’s absolutely a wrong attitude. You are not helping the other, you are hurting yourself. A good opportunity is being lost. When you could have pulled the other towards highs, you have descended yourself. Don’t be worried that the other will be offended. You make every effort to bring the other also to the same space, to the same meditative mind and the other will be grateful, not offended. But these are not the moments, when you should depart from each other. These are the moments when you should keep with every effort the contact with the other with as much compassion as possible. Because if love cannot help the other in transforming the animal energies into higher spiritual energies, then your love is not love, not worth calling love…” Osho

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